To All Those Fat B*tces

You know what fat b*tches all you guys need to lose wieght go to wieght watchers so start losing weight
Posted by la morena; updated 12/13/04


You too are like flaca might mistake you for the same person, oh and i don`t think its da the fat gurls are da Bi***es in this case its ya da flaca and you!
Posted by Honest gurl; updated 12/13/04


Atleast we Fat B**ches know how to spell. And just out of curiosity, what do you weigh? You are probably sitting at home infront of your computer with a donut shoved in mouth!
Posted by Maggie; updated 01/17/05


I`m not fat...but who the fukk are you to be telling these girls to lose weight...worry about your own damn self..if they want to be like that shyt leave them...none of your damn business, now is it?..i swear yall fukken lil haters!!!!!
Posted by lilmama; updated 01/26/05


To all you skinny b*tches who are hating ya just mad cuz us fat b*tches are taking ya niggas
Posted by BIG MAMA; updated 01/26/05


Look u got something against fat girls. I ain`t fat but i bet if u were in front of one u wouldn`t be talking ur crap like u r now. Yeah yeah what`s up now . U probably the fat one so i wouldn`t be saying nothing.just telling u not to mess with fat girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Eva says hi and their ain`t nothing wrong with fat girls you twig.if it wasn`t for that profanity thing i would be cusin you out nasty girl i mean it . All about funky townFORT WORTH
Posted by Kika; updated 02/17/05


Yall skinny hoes that be hatin sorry us girls arnt flat chested no ass hoes.and sorry la morena but ur man says he wants ass for once not bones.
Posted by mrs.Gringo; updated 04/19/05