Sponser Wedding WTF?!?!

What is up with all this "sponser me please" crap?

That`s all I` ve been seeing.

What ever happened to pay your own way?

Like the post "needy people", needy people need food and shelter not weddings.
How many people do you see on the street corner all dirty holding a sign "will work for my wedding cake" or can you spare change for my favors.

Like I said before just my opinion I could be wrong!
Posted by NINA; updated 12/11/04


Cathy and Julie,

Sponsored weddings aside, I must completely disagree about your assertion that people pay for weddings in order to receive gifts, and that therefore those not paying for their wedding should not receive gifts.

No offense, but this is stupid for two reasons:
(1) Guests are not PAYING BACK the bride and groom for their seat, they`re helping them get started in life. Attendees give gifts out of good will; they are invited out of good will; a bride would be upset at getting no gifts only because it signals a lack of caring on others` part. The idea that this is a big money game is just sad.

(2) As those who have taken logic will know, the converse of a true statement is not necessarily true. If it is true that "If the bride is paying for the wedding, then guests ought give her gifts," the REVERSE of the statement ("If the bride is not paying for the wedding, guests should not give her gifts") is NOT therefore true.

I suggest you brush up on social goodwill and on your college educations.
Posted by Danielle; updated 12/11/04