Boyfriend Blues
I was really upset about my boy cos he couldn`t make up his mind if he liked me. So my friend lied to me and went to tell him that she like him he said that he liked her to but he also told me that he liked me now i know the truth what should i do?????????
Posted by alex; updated 12/11/04
Girl you should forget him. HE`s dumb. The guy is obiously trying to ride 2 horses with one ass. 4get the fool. If he does`t like you, or if he`s not sure. 4get it. You`ll find some way to get over it.
Posted by Briana; updated 12/11/04
Hey Alex!
I Think that you shouldbrake up with him because he is not worth it. I mean if ur pretty u`ll get other better guys thatn that JERK. He doesn`t want to brake up with you because he dosen`t have the balls for it. Trust me you should get rid of him E-mail me at Sackingluva4ever@hotmail. Com if anything happens.
Well take care and my ur desition.
Posted by ~*JeNnIfEr*~; updated 12/11/04
Gyrl leave the lame alone!!!! If you aint smart enough to do so by the way he is talking to you something is wrong, and the girl that you say is your "friend" isnt your friend know that. So let both of them go `cause neitha one of them is no good for you believe it or you will regret or be hurt by it later on down the line.
Posted by Brie; updated 12/13/04
Girl if i was you i would just tell him that you two need a break b/c obviously he does`nt know what he is he going to go out with you if he does`nt even know if he like you? girl you are better off without him.You can do alot better.
Hope everything gets better for you.dont sit there and wait for an answer and waste your time.
Posted by Sabina; updated 01/31/05
Girl if i was you i would just tell him that you two need a break b/c obviously he does`nt know what he is he going to go out with you if he does`nt even know if he like you? girl you are better off without him.You can do alot better.
Hope everything gets better for you.dont sit there and wait for an answer and waste your time.
Posted by Sabina; updated 01/31/05
It`s probably gonna be hard for you but forget about him find someone new, his not worth it!
Posted by Chicana Angel; updated 02/01/05