Do You Have To Have 14 Boys And 14 Girls?

You guyzi need major help do you have to have 14 boys and 14 girls in you quinceanera b/c i dont have 28 freinds thats crazy well please help
Posted by ari; updated 12/05/04


No you dont need 14 guyz and 14 girls you can have as many people that you want for my quince im only having 7 guyz and girls plus my partner
Posted by tori; updated 12/05/04


Like she you dont need to have that many. Put as many as you want though. Like i`ve seen ppl have 7girl, one had only4 couples and i had 12. Its alright if you aint got 28 friends i mean damn who does have that many.
Ps and to help just pick the girls and have them pick their own partner
*take care* *much love*
Posted by *leticia*; updated 12/07/04


Thanks you guys for everything
Posted by ari; updated 12/07/04