How Does It Go?
Well i need help even though mines is in two years. How does it go?What do i do? PLease help me alittle. Mines is gonna be on May 27 2006 but my birthday is the 28th of May but its a Sunday. N-E- wayz so i know theres 15 boys and 14 girls+me. And what else.
Posted by Christina; updated 12/03/04
Hi Christina please email me, I shall send you a lot of tips and advices. I have a (non commercial!) web site about such events,, but quinc pages are not yet loaded. Waiting for your reply, yours Anne
Posted by Anne de Theleve; updated 12/04/04
Sorry email does not appear so its:
Posted by Anne de Theleve; updated 12/04/04
Thanks! well i`m not sure what to go to but thanks. What is my escort supposed to do? Can they be my boyfriend or do they have to be my family or best friend or something.
Posted by Christina; updated 12/04/04
He can be a relative; bf is rather for proms. Your escort is an "attendant", but in quinc,its diff from a prom or deb ball; you should have a court of honor. Anne
Posted by Anne de Theleve; updated 12/05/04