Hey...okay i had my sweet 15 in May of dis year and so now my mom wants to plan me a sweet 16 and im all up for it...BUT i jus dunno wa to do for it...cuz i dont want to do everything i did for my 15 all over again...and i also dont kno if i should have a court cause i did for my 15 and they all drove me i was thinkin of prolly havin jus gurls...but i dunno wa color my dress should b and wa color there dresses should b...i wanted a dark red...but my mom says "NO" she wants a Lilac color...but i can someone PLEASE HELP ME....oh and im also da only the only gurl i have two brothers..another thing i was thinkin is does ur dress really have to b poofy cause those dresses are really i hope someone can help me...
Posted by ki-ki; updated 12/03/04