Skool Trouble Please Help Me Out !!!!!!!!!
Well my name is daisy and i had to do a speech on anything. So i did it on cheetahs. Then later the nextday after skool i went home and worked on my speech from like 4 pm to like 12:30 am. Then i went to sleep like at 1 am. Then at skool i did my speech and i said it loud and clearly. Also i did good i contact with the class and the teacher. Then the next day i get my speech and my grade and guess what i go on it. I got a 76% on it. I got so mad at the teacher for giving me a bad grade that i waited after skool and asked my teacher why i got such a bad grade. And this is what she told me: She said that i didn`t say where i got my information from, that i didn`t have good eye contact, and that i didn`t use transitions. I told her that i did use really good eye contact. And she said that didn`t see none at all. I told her that she could of taken a few points of like 6 or 7 of. But not that many and she told me that she graded my speech by how she saw and heard it from. I asked her hkowm come she gave a 92% to a girl that did hers worse then mind. She told me that she doesn`t compare grades. I told her that i was going to talk to my parents and they were going to talk to her and the principal. Please give me advice on what to do. Or anything that would help me solve this. Email me at or at
Posted by Daisy J. A.; updated 11/29/04
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Posted by Mika; updated 11/30/04