Quincenera Origin

I am not catholic but most of my family is. Yet we are still having a semi traditional quincnera party (but without the church). We`re doing the party how I want it though. My mom wants to know what a quincenera means and how it originated. Does anyone know?
Posted by Stephanie; updated 11/28/04


Its all about a girl that is traveling from childhood to mautrity and the gifts that you recive are

Tiara~the tiara is for showing that you are a princess in gods eyes

Bracelet/ring~ is showing the circle of life

Earings~ is for a reminder to listen to god

Cross~ for a nicklace is showing faith in god

Rosary/bible~ is to keep the word of god in the miss quince anos life

Doll~ stands for the last doll for childhood

Hope i helped you! if you could send me some pictures of your quincenera because i want to see some so i have ideas for mine i have been resarching stuff about it so i know about it more mine is in april of 2007!and i know so much about this stuff because i have 2 older sisters who both had one! not togeather but here my e-mail is lilmismexican17@YAHOO.COM
Posted by mercy villarreal; updated 11/29/04