Buying The Rings??

I just feel totally clueless when it comes to who is supposed to buy the rings these days, and how does it all happen? More precisely, do the engagement ring and both wedding bands all need to match? Are they all bought at the same time? Any info would help. Thanks!
Posted by N; updated 11/13/04


Generally, he buys the engagement and wedding band for you, and you buy his wedding band. My engagement ring did not come as a set (custom made) so we will go together to find a band to match. He already picked out his ring, and the only "matching" aspect to my ring is that it is also white gold. I wanted him to pick his own band because he is a guy, and guys can be so funny about jewelry. I had one in mind, and when he saw it, he wasn`t too keen on it:) So, relax, go together, and find what fits each other`s style:)
Posted by Beth; updated 11/14/04


Is your niece Brittany Spears? Why would she buy her own engagement ring? I wouldn`t care if it were a chip of a diamond, it is what my fiance could afford and it is from his heart. I would never belittle a man by doing that.
Posted by Kendra; updated 11/15/04


Customs have changed, there are many women buying their own engagement rings and the fiance`s are buying both wedding bands. Many men do not care because they want their wife to be to be happy with the ring so if they can`t afford the ring, they are happy that she can get it. Many wait until a special anniversary to get the engagement rings. I have co-workers who have been married 25 years and just received their engagement ring so it really doesn`t matter. My husband received my rings from his great grandmother. They have been in the family for 50 years. It is white gold, antique and it means a lot to me. He didn`t buy it at all but it means the world to me. I would have chosen this ring no matter what. As for her niece, that was not a very nice remark to make (not that there is anything wrong with Brittany Spears if that is what folks like). This board is for advice, no one asks for nasty remarks.
Posted by Mika; updated 11/15/04