I want to plan a quincenera for my daughter but no nothing of the tradition as I haven`t had a family since I was very little. Most of my friends never had one cause of the cost so I have no one to help. Can someone direct me in the right direction as to where to start
Posted by Mercedes; updated 11/10/04
Please email me Mercedes, I shall send you tips and progreams and all I can about this event you plan !
Best regards Anne - Web site www.debutanteball.com (quinc page not yet set)
Posted by Anne de Theleve; updated 11/11/04
You can email me at jmtrenck@hotmail.com and I can help you out with getting started. I have a lot of sites and can just help out. I`m in the process of planning my daughter`s 15 as well.
Posted by JM; updated 11/12/04