Should I Except This?!
O.k so my bro says that when he gets a job(which it will be soon) half of his paycheck will go to my quinceanera! i`m greatful but hasitend to except it cuz he sometimes doesn`t have enough money for himself. His only 17 going to18! And since he is working hard for it, he should be the one to spend it!
If i do end up excepting it i will only acept less then half of it. What do ya think?
Posted by Araceli; updated 11/08/04
Depends, is this something that your brother wants to do for you? Most family want to do this and if so, you should let him do it. I am sure that he wants your day to be something for you to remember and when you get older, you will help him out as well. It is the things that we do as brothers and sisters. These selfless acts is what keeps us close.
Posted by Mika; updated 11/09/04
Yeah he wants to help me. No one asked him it was his own free will. Plus i have helped him out too in times of need. Me and my bro don`t realy fight (rarely.) We get along fine. I just feel weird having him spend money on me.
Posted by Araceli; updated 11/09/04
No Honey, that feeling is just your cry of happiness in your heart. On that day, pay him back with a special Brother/Sister dance and maybe put on your programs or in your toast a special thanks to your brother. You guys sound like true brother and sister. I am so happy for you. I wish I had given my daughter a brother or sister. She has one of each on her father`s side but not from me. She is an only child and she doesn`t share that closeness with a sibling, only with step-siblings and cousins. So cherish this as it really is special. God Bless and Good Luck!
Posted by Mika; updated 11/10/04
Thanx alot Mika!! WEll even though she doesn`t have a brother or a sister from your part shes pretty lucky to have a mom like you! I bet you guys are really close too! And as long as she has you she won`t need nothing else!!
Posted by Araceli; updated 11/12/04