Try On Fee

I just called to make an appointment at a bridal store to shop for my wedding gown and was told that they have a $50 fee to work with a consultant and try on wedding gowns. I did my research about this store and am confident that I want to work with this one because of referrals too.

They said that my fee will be applied to my wedding gown purchase if made within the next 90 days. I guess this is fair since the consultant will probaly be working with me for several hours.

Has anyone else heard of this?
Posted by lmc; updated 11/08/04


They must think a lot of themselves. I have never heard of anyone chaging to try on a gown. That is simply a tactic to try and force you to purchase from them. If you want to deal with them anyway, I would not worry about the fee, but if you are unsure I would think before going.

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Posted by Patty; updated 11/08/04


Mon amie in costa mesa does the same thing, but they charge the $50 on the 2nd or 3rd visit. I personally don`t like the idea because it makes you spend money on trying on gowns.
Posted by Thu-Anh; updated 11/08/04


I have never heard of this before. I think it`s ridiculous but it`s your choice.
Like the other poster said, I wouldn`t shop their and pay the $50 fee unless I knew I was going to get my dress there.
Good luck.
Posted by Kaytee; updated 11/09/04


Had the worst experience of my life dealing with a store that charged a fee. HORRORIBLE experience!!!
Posted by Jenan; updated 11/09/04


What was the horrible experience?

For the person who responded about Mon Amie - did you get your money back towards other items you bought or did they just charge you for their time? Did you try the dress on several times before you ordered or after?
Posted by lmc; updated 11/09/04


To be fair the fee that I agreed to pay is refundable by being applied to my bridal gown purchase. I have since found out that the employees do NOT work on commission but even if they did, they wouldn`t get paid anything if I didn`t buy a gown so I guess this is one way that the bridal store is able to afford to pay their employees and spend time with individual appointments.

I went with a friend to David`s Bridal where she had an appointment and we thought they we would get one on one attention. We were really wrong. The same salesperson worked with 3 other groups at the same time and if I wasn`t with my friend no one would have been able to help her get in and out of the dresses.

I will be happy to pay this appointment fee IF I get good service. I was told when asked that I have a 2 hour private appointment for this fee. I have an appointment this Saturday and will let everyone know how it goes.
Posted by lmc; updated 11/09/04


Just curious, how many people have gone into a bridal store and tried on a gown just to see what size to order on the internet for a little cheaper? Did you do ok or were there any problems with getting your gown from the internet company?

Thanks for the advice.
Posted by lmc; updated 11/10/04