Quince Doll
Hey, I need help w/ what i`m suppose to do w/ my doll. Someone told me I was suppose to throw it to a bunch of little girls like a wedding bouquet or if you have a little sister you pass it on to her. But since it`s supposed to be your last doll, someone else told me i`m supposed to keep it. What do I do?
Posted by Nely; updated 11/03/04
I don`t know what you do with it- But my cousin kept hers. I don`t like dolls, so Iam not getting one.
Posted by Isa; updated 11/03/04
You are supposed to give your doll to a younger person that attendes your quincerena
Posted by Micaela; updated 11/09/04
You are supposed to keep the doll! duh!
Posted by Jenny; updated 11/09/04
People do it different ways. A friend here said that her daughter gave it to a little cousin to symbolize that she is no longer playing with dolls and another girl said that her husband gave the doll to her daughter to symbolize that it was her last doll from her parents. Some girls put capias on it and each guest takes one as a keepsake and she keeps the doll. You choose what you want to do with it.
Posted by Mika; updated 11/09/04