Im looking for a place to get my damas dresses and my dress if u live in maryland and u know a place plz let me know thanks.
Posted by chastity; updated 11/02/04
Hey there. Finally another marylander on this board. How cool. Well my sweet sixteen is in two weeks and everything is done. Well I got my dresses at DEB at wheaton plaza and at the one in laurel mall cause it was closest too me. Also I looked online but if you want to go to a store DEB is the best and you can even go to their website and look at the dresses. Where`s your party gonna be at? Anyway good luck!
Posted by Margarita; updated 11/02/04
Well im starting to plan it now so im looking for everything i dont have a place yet i just moved to maryland i lived in ny so if u culd help me that would be great my party is year but they want to start looking for stuff now .
Posted by CHASTITY; updated 11/02/04