I Dunno Know If I Should Go Through Wit It...

Let me start from the beginning....

I`v always ALWAYS wanted a quinceanera but my parents were never really sure if they should give me one. Me and my cuzin decided to do it together and we had my computer filled with pics of dresses, ideas, list of guests, would-be-padrinos, and more. But still are parents never took us seriously. Well we kinda had a fight but not really see we just stopped talking to each other.
Now it`s been like 5 months that we havent talked. Today my aunt came over and said that she put the deposit on a salon(my cuzin convinced her). So my Tia started telling me u know that she doesnt wanna have all the responsibility of a quince and just basically asking me if I wanted to do it like we had planned before. The she talked to my mom and i guess my mom is ok wit it.
I went over to her house and looked at my cuzin notebook to see her ideas and the cost of the salon and all that. When I was over me and my cuzin didnt say one word to each other. And I mean if we are gonna do this we are gonna need to actually talk lol ya know.
I dunno wat to do. I really want one but i dont neccesarily wanna do it with her. But I know this is my only chance to have one. I also dont talk to her friends or really to anyone because i like to keep to myself.

Please tell me wat u think plz and thanx.
Posted by Mari; updated 11/01/04