Re: Jennifer Aniston`s Wedding Dress

I am look for a picture and pattern for Jennifer Aniston`s wedding dress. If anyone could help me, I would be so grateful. I have been searching the internet and sending e-mails like crazy and I have had very little success.

Thank-you in advance for you help.

Posted by Karen Almack; updated 11/01/04



Truly, with all respect, stop it....your fantasies are going to far, and you can get in trouble if you take this further, the less you`ll get will be a restriction order from the court.

It`s not right to be so obsessed with a celebrity, they are also humans and they got their own lifes, and a REAL family member will never, ever, brag about that relationship , precisely to avoid being annoyed all the time.

Take care, look for activities that help you redirect your great imagination towards positife and fun things, you got potential!

Best wishes

Mr. & mrs. Pitt`s respectful fan # 2,898,532
Posted by layla; updated 11/01/04



Truly, with all respect, stop it....your fantasies are going to far, and you can get in trouble if you take this further, the less you`ll get will be a restriction order from the court.

It`s not right to be so obsessed with a celebrity, they are also humans and they got their own lifes, and a REAL family member will never, ever, brag about that relationship , precisely to avoid being annoyed all the time.

Take care, look for activities that help you redirect your great imagination towards positife and fun things, you got potential!

Best wishes

Mr. & mrs. Pitt`s respectful fan # 2,898,532
Posted by layla; updated 11/01/04


The gloves come off and the the gob starts to speak you are jelouse and you know it and if anyone NEEDS to get a life it is you cos you have a REALLY rubbish one in fact i probably should start up a website about that you will PROBABLY be the first one on there so don`t start all that you are the LOOSER
Posted by to my LOOSER; updated 11/02/04


What a small minded, ignorant person you are. No one believes you, you contradict yourself from post to post, and spelling and punctuation obviously is beyond your comprehension.

Who the hell cares if you are or aren`t (which is the most likely choice here) related to Jennifer Aniston, or Tom Cruise, or anyone else. These people are no more human than I or the next person. They walk on two legs, take a dump, and do everything else that we `mere mortals` do.

Jealous? No, I don`t think anyone is jealous of you, just annoyed with your small minded banter and delusions.
Posted by Debbi; updated 11/02/04



Why don`t you read through these posts...they are all from you, and each and every one of them tells a different story.

"You just can`t take it in that i am her BIGGEST fan and AM her cousin i have never seen her because she is a celebrity. So sorry but gotta go cos i am going to las angeles for the 1st time to actually se HER i feel sorry for you actually because there is no point in being JELOUS."
Posted 10/29/04 by tracy

"i have to go to las angeles in about 2 hours to get to the airport and i will see her wedding photos because i AM her cousin and some people on this site CANNOT eccept that"
Posted 10/29/04 by tracy

"Well i was only joking about that i went to her wedding but it IS true that i am her 2nd cousin and if any-one is the looser it IS going to be YOU." posted 10/31/04 by to my LOOSER.

"How can i when you are lying about what we wore at her wedding you said we wore green dresses when we had pale pink dresses i think i should know seeing as though that i am her cousin and WAS there at her wedding. If you don`t undrestand then look it up in the dictionary."
Posted 11/01/04 by to my LOOSER

I`m not sure whether you are really stupid or just plain pathetic and in search of attention. Either way, you simply need to be blocked from this message board.
Posted by Debbi; updated 11/02/04


Sorry all it was just my friend amy she goes on my computer a lot i am not just blaming that on her it is the truth she is the one who is OBSESSED and i will tell her not to go on this website and be like that and to stop sending such harsh messages again sorry to all and you had every right to write like that to her because she should be on here to look up about her dress take care and i will make sure that she won`t go on this website again to be so horrible to all of you it is not about her we are all her fans and i was quite shocked to find out what she had writtenxx
Posted by to my LOOSER; updated 11/03/04


I bought the knock off dress about 6 years ago on line at ABS Allen Schwartz.
Posted by leya kubitschek; updated 07/24/07