My Junior class does not have a lot of money. We came up with a awesome idea of Vintage Hollywood but do not know how to decorate it. If anyone ha good ideas on cheap things or websites that sell cheap things that would be great
Posted by Jackie; updated 10/29/04
Hi Jackie
I would love to help you guys out. Check out my web site you will find my prices are great and I will also give your class a 20% discount.
Visit our page for more info: Uniquely Yours Wedding & Party Design
Posted by Connie; updated 11/03/04
What a great theme! For decorations, all you need are photocopies of pictures of old Hollywood stars and maybe some reproduction movie posters. You can probably find pictures in library books or on the internet, and the posters you can get just about anywhere. Borrow some frames (or buy really cheap dollar store frames and spraypaint them all silver). And see about getting someone from the school year book (the more, the better) to take those "red carpet" pictures outside as everyone`s entering. That will really make everyone feels like movie stars at a Hollywood premier! And you can rent a red carpet cheap!
Posted by Jamie; updated 11/12/04