Help Gurl Probs

How do i tell if a gurl likes me
Posted by CODY; updated 10/22/04


She will be flirting with u and complimenting and stuff if u like her just ask her out!
Posted by Hannah; updated 10/23/04


Ask her out. Trust me, even if she doesnt like you she`ll say yes. Girls LUV to be asked out. It makes em feel special!
*I`d know
Posted by sdfjk; updated 10/24/04


Hey If you want to know if a girl likes you act normal dont try to do everything for her dont write her 25 notes and do not get on he nervers .get to know her become friends once youve got to know her ask her out (privetly) .girls love when your honest and ask them out it makes them feel special.So basicly be normal ,get to know her , ask her out!

Good Luck
Posted by ; updated 10/24/04


I always liked when a guy asked me out himself not one of his friends the girl will flirt with you and u should flirt with her
Can u help me with my problem:
I dont know if my as he says "good friends" if he is flirting or just being nice he passes my locker and slams it shut he laughts and stuff like that is that flirting or just tryin to be better friends thanks
Posted by Shelby; updated 10/28/04


Hey Cody-
If a girl likes you, she`l go out of her way to flirt with you. She will also try to get your attention. Can You email me back?-I got some Guy Probs!!
Posted by Emily; updated 12/29/04