Center Pieces
Hello all: I need some help....
I`m trying to find and purchase elevated floral stands for the center pieces. I`m not sure exactly what the correct name for the stands are. But if anyone knows the name or where I can find them, I would appreciate it greatly if you could forward the information on to me.
Or if anyone has any out of the ordinary ideas for the center pieces that they would like to share and help out with, that as well, would be helpful in my search.
Congrats and best wishes to all those who are planning their daughter`s 15th celebration.
Thanking you in advance for your help.
Posted by JM; updated 10/22/04
Are you thinking of tower vases? I am using handpainted vases filled with pink & clear stones to hold balloon bouquets and for the Sweet 16`s table, there will be a doll dressed in gowns that look like hers and a carriage with a glass slipper left on the table so it will look like cinderella losing her slipper on the way to get back into the carriage. It will be nice.
Posted by Mika; updated 10/26/04