Huge Dance Party, Need Ideas.

Hey, i`m having a HUGE Dance Party SOON and I already know wat music i`m playin` but there is also going to be games and i have no clue wat games to play. And I want them to be kinda sexy/naughty cause i`m a total naughty/tease kind of girl and i want some games or stuff that i can do with my ex boyfriend behind by friends back because she asked him out without telling me and i want revenge. And he totally doesn`t even like her, he just feels bad for her cause she`s never had a boyfriend and he still wants me back but i still want to make her mad. I don`t care wat i have to do, i would take off all my clothes, strip-dance in front of everyone at my party, screw him in my secret makeout room that not evn my bestfriend knows about, ANYTHING!!! PLeazzzze HELP. I want total pay back to that B**** A** Wh*re!!! I love being naughty. Put down anything and i`ll probably end up doin` it.Plz?
Posted by Jayden; updated 10/17/04