RU Planning An Amazing Quinceanera?!
MTV is looking for a big, lavish quinceanera to film for our "Sweet 16" show on MTV. Contact 212 654 6056 or e-mail back...
Posted by yvete; updated 10/13/04
Yes except mine will be a litlle different. Mine will be on a cruise which is BIg lasts 1 week and should be interesting my emial is
Im very interested
Posted by vanessa; updated 10/15/04
I am planning a big quinceanera and if you want me to participate. My quinceanera will be on June 25th 2005.
If you want more information call me at (402) 447-2257
Or e-mail me at, Morningtoo3@msn, or
Posted by Jackie; updated 10/15/04
I am planning to have a Sweet Sixteen Latina Ball for my daughter on November 20th , 2004 in Northwest Ohio.This is going to be a formal event with half the court of a Quinceanera and a guest list of 500 people.
We would be honored if you would like to include my daughters Special event in your show.
Posted by Christina; updated 10/21/04