I am having a Quincenera for my daughter and the theme is Precious Moments. Can anyone help me
With where to find a cake topper with a brown haired Precious Moments and also any center peices with
Precious moments. It would be nice if they had "15" on them but they would not have to have that. Or
Any other suggestions for center pieces. Thank you.
Posted by Rosie; updated 08/23/01
Hi Rosie:
There is only 1 precious moments that I know of that has black (dark) hair that would be perfect for the Quince you are planning. She is a bit expensive depending where you buy it but beautiful in a pink gown holding una rosa pink.
She is the Precious Moments 1994 Vaya Con Dios
(to go with god) Not sure where you are located but you can try and find her at a local Hallmark call and ask if they carry her or find a store online that sells PM.
As for the 15 Precious Moments centerpieces I haven`t seen those but have seen regular 15 figurines that were just as nice. Mainly used for favors not for centerpieces since they are small. You can try making small flower baskets for center tables, make 15 out of styrofoam and decorate, place bowls with water and floating candles then you can place a number at the bottom of one of the chairs and the guest with the # can take home the centerpiece. These are just some ideas I have seen. If you need any capias (party favor corsages just let me know. I custom make favors and recuerdos for all special occasions. Best Wishes
(New page coming soon)
Posted by Rebecca; updated 08/23/01
How about giving personalized candy bars as a keepsake for each of your guests. For more information, contact me at kandygrams@hotmail.com.
Posted by Lil; updated 09/03/01
You can find those at Hallmark stores or go to the NET!
Try ebay or Yahoo auctions.
If you live in the Houston, TX area, I choreograph 15s, and I do a great job!
Posted by Michelle; updated 09/04/01
Hi, my name is Jessica, and I am having a sweet 15 very soon in couple of months. I wanted to ask you if you could help me find a cake top for my cake.I will have my thym of precious moments!! I also need to know if you could find me a cake top of precious moments but with the girls because I am having girls!! Well, I hope that you could help me with that, and Thank you very much!!
Posted date: 9/9/03
Posted by Jessica; updated 09/09/03