What Happens If Your On Your Period???
Im scared about haveing by _____ on that day what should i do ???????
Posted by lynn; updated 10/12/04
I think that you should wear tampons or something that will make you fell comterbul like short`s under you`re underwear`s.
Posted by dayana; updated 10/12/04
Wear your pads or tampons, put on black or nude girdle over your underwear and you will be fine. That will hold the pad in place. Take extras in a purse so that you can change them as often as necessary. That is the thing about being a "woman". We have to buy "diapers" 3 times in life. Newborn, young lady to adulthood and then if for that geriactric moment we need depends. You will be fine though.
Posted by Mika; updated 10/13/04
On ur period you sould put on a pad. Reason i say that is if you still a virgin your down there part will hurt if you try to use a tampon. You could use a tampon if you would like to but after a year of the first time you start your period you could start useing a tampon. You could hurt urself if you use a tampon to soon.
Posted by Destiny; updated 12/04/04
It`s cumbersome to change one`s protection when dressed in formal attire (ball gown and underwear, gloves, ... ). Wear extended time pads (overnight extra) and sanitary panties. You can too report the period, ask your doctor. Anne
Posted by Anne de Theleve; updated 12/05/04