Help W/ 1940`s Theme Party Ideas

I am looking to plan a 1940`s themed birthday party and am wondering if you have any suggestions as to what we could use for decorations or props, as well as what to do for activities and what to use for a cake. There is only a small crowd coming--10-15 people, all older, and it is going to be a dinner party. If you could be of any help it would be very greatly appreciated because we haven`t been able to find much to help us on the internet. Also, there is a Irving Berlin emphasis in the party theme, as well, if that helps at all.
Thank you very much!
Susan M.
Posted by Susan; updated 10/10/04


Hi Susan,
I am trying to find the same type info for a 65th anniversary party. Have you found anything?
Posted by Linda; updated 07/25/05


Bill Reed Decorations has props, backdrops and other misc. Decorations for all themes, all eras. Check them out online at
Posted by Marjorie; updated 07/27/05


For our 1940`s party we used an old advertisement for the Casablanca movie. It looked great, the old 1940`s style cartooned posters are great. Try searching under casablanca or humphery bogart for them.
Posted by Kate; updated 08/22/05


Try sending the invitation out in a fake "Western Union" style telegram. We are having a 1944 murder mystery at our house, and that was our invite.
Posted by Bill; updated 11/09/07