My daughter is having a quinceanera and I am inviting all my wifes family. They don`t seem to understand that we are paying $7 a head. Any ideas as to controlling the number of people on the RSVP?
Posted by Joe; updated 10/07/04
WOW!!! $7 a head, that is amazing. We are at $42 per head here in Philadelphia. That is truly a gift if you can find something that great! However, back to the question at hand. You can write on the invitation Mr & Mrs. So that they (hopefully) know that they are the only ones invited. I hated to be so rude with my daughter`s Sweet 16 but as I said, $42 per person has placed me in the situation of putting the number of persons on the response card and if they were not coming, they could cross out the number and send it back. I even had to go so far as to put "No children allowed" in a few because they feel that since my daughter baby sits for the family members small children, that they can bring these babies to the party and that is not the case. So sometimes you have to do these things.
Posted by Mika; updated 10/07/04