
Hey okay my name is jessica this has nothing to do with quinceanera`s but i really need so help before i end up fighting with this gurl .
Well okay there`s this guy that I like and he like me too he`s name is mariano anyways there this gurl maria that likes him alot and she calls him like everyday and when i`m not with him she will try to get with him cause i`m not around . Well one day there was a party that i went to and i saw mariano and maria talking .I was wondering what was going on so i went over to them and i ask my guy what tha hell was he doing over here with her and he was about to say what he was doing when maria told me that they were talking and to leave . Ohhh man that made me so mad i ask was i talkin to her she was like no then she called me a b**** when she called me that i pushed her so hard that she almost fell i was so ready to fight her but mariano said no and then we was about to leave when maria got him by the arm and started to cry tellin him not to go . He was trying to leave but she wouldn`t let go so i had to get out and jerk her away . Then she told him that to call her tha next day at 12 if he wanted to be with her . But he didn`t I stayed at his house and do u know what he asked me he want to marry me i`m only 16 i don`t know what to do but i;m scared maria will try to get i tha way. PLZ anybody what do i do about all this????????? love ya jess
Posted by jessica; updated 10/04/04


Jess, you are very young and this is just a "for now" situation. Young ladies who fight over a boy is only giving him a big head. It is really sad that the young ladies fight over boys today. You cannot be insecure and weak about this situation. You have to be strong. Your heart is thinking instead of your brain. You need to tell this young man that if he feels that you are worth it, then he will see that you are both too young to marry, Ask him how he feels about you and why he asked you to marry him. Ask him how he plans to provide for you. Ask him questions that you know you have the answer to but you need to see if his answers match yours. Do you have plans to go to college? What are your plans in life. If in 5 years he decides that marriage was not something that he wanted, how will you provide for yourself? Think of the goals that you have for yourself. Think of how your family will feel about this. Then think if this is something that if you say no, that he will go to this other young lady because if he does, then he was never for you in the first place. No man is promised to be with any woman. Even some married men cheat and leave their wives for other woman. Many have double lives having 2 families to provide for so you have to think if this is something that you want because young people always think for now and never think of what may happen in the future. I can`t and won`t help any woman beg for a man but I can give you insight to the dignity that you know is inside you to see what choice you can make to best benefit you.
Posted by Mika; updated 10/05/04


Hey thanks for your support but me ,mariano want to wait we don`t want to rush things. I was with him on monday he told me that maria want stop calling him . He told me that he has told her so many times that he wants to be with me , not her , that they can be friends , but she just ain`t getting the hint he told her that he loved me. So today at school i went up to her Isaid that i wanted to talk to her I told her that i wasn`t tring to be mean ,That she wouldn`t listen to me because she hates me but i told her that i loved him , that they can still talk but not to try to make it more than that i told her i don`t want to fight ,But then she was like nobody told u to come over here and talk to me , that she can do what tha hell she wants to do i was like okay but don`t keep trying because mariano had told her that if she kept doing this that he wasn`t goin to be anything to her as a friend , but she want listen So i`m still having alittle bit of trouble with her but i`m not worried to much about it

Holla back mika JESSICA :)
Posted by jessica; updated 10/05/04


Then she is an ignorant donkey (and you know the word that I want to use here). If you feel that the disrespect is getting to be too much for you, then "sit" her on her a$$. You tried to be a lady about it and you tried to be humane about it but she is one of those people who needs hands laid on her, and I don`t mean like in church. Young lady, I give you props for handling it like a lady but sometimes when that doesn`t work and toes are still being stepped on, you have to do more than talk it over. Just don`t make the confrontation seem as if it is over the boy, as it is now about your respect!!!
Posted by Mika; updated 10/05/04


Hey mika well things went down at school on thursday
I was walking to lunch minding my own stuff . When i walked right passed her she called me B**** I got so mad that iI put my stuff down and i pushed her so hard up aginst the lockers that she just was looking at me . I told her to say it again to my face ,I was like say it , say it but she told me to go to hell thats when I took my fist ,i went for it and boy did i get her she got me to but all she did was pull my hair and scatched me . I told her that she was so stupid for being so dumb . I told her that i didn`t want to get into a fight but that it was her fault that she couldn`t be quiet. I told her that if I hear another word out her about me that it was going to be more worse , then i just walk away.

So now who know whats going to happen next and oh my gosh mika Mariano is so mad at maria
Well ttyl jessica

Holla back
Posted by jessica; updated 10/08/04


Don`t get married.
Posted by Beverly; updated 10/08/04


As I said, usually I do not condone fighting but as I told my daughter, when your respect is at stake, educate them! You gave her a brief education and believe me, you will have to educate her again but she will soon get the message. Take care of yourself and watch yourself, she will try you again.
Posted by Mika; updated 10/09/04


Hey bev. Were not going to get married i told him is a big thing to do and that we need some time . But he really wants to get married but he said he will respect my choice so everything is okay but that gurl want stop callin him so he is gettin his # changed maybe that will help in some way

But were not getting married

Holla back jess :)
Posted by jessica; updated 10/09/04


HEY Mika thanks for everything for talking me through this
And how to get through it

Thanks won`t forget ya
Posted by jessica; updated 10/09/04


Thats good that he respects your decision....just don`t get married too soon...your too young
Posted by Beverly; updated 10/10/04