Boy Problem Help!

How do u get a boy 2 like u? I have never had a boyfriend in my life how embaressing!!! Ahhh!!!! Well any ideas write back hurry
Posted by unknown; updated 09/30/04


U havent had a boyfriend probably cuz u hella fat and ugly so why try ur wasting ur time freak
Posted by evelyn; updated 09/30/04


Aww that was so mean..just wait for a guy to come to sure plenty of guys like you, you just have to waitt for the right one to come along. Dont be shy, and if a guy doesnt like you for you, their not worth your time! you have your whole life to find a guy who likes you so dont wste your whole life looking, have fun and a guy will come along, and yall wil be perfect for eachother!
Posted by anonymous; updated 10/02/04


Boys are stupid anyway! Just be patient and at least when you do find a boyfriend, you`ll know he`s the right one, not just your desperate bid for popularity.
Posted by Flick; updated 10/10/04


Wel te only true way to get a boy to like you is to get close by often talkin to him , trust me im a lad dont be shy but on the over hand dont over do it because it is a real put off . And if u feel like flirtin , wel just be careful ow u do it because it can be annoying for a lad to c a girl tryin to flirt , trust me if u need ne more help just give me a email write back asap lv Antoine xxxxxxxx
Posted by Antoine; updated 11/30/04


Ilike this really hot boy in school,but he likes the preetiest girl in school....Kiara, I hate here. How do i get him to like me enstead of here?
Posted by kseniya (kay); updated 02/24/05


You cant get somebody to like you , u have to wait for them to naturally like u n most times it happens at the wrong time lol , bt jst be patient ( o n show ur intelligence unlike me spellin lol bt dont b a geek whilst doin so
Posted by Antoine; updated 04/07/05


I know its been like 5 months since u posted that message but i feel like answering cause i have noting better to do anyways.....I know because of my experiences and u will find this to that the best relationship and the longest are the ones where u r friends or have known someone before u go out with them..when u go out with someone u dont know, it wont last long believe if u like a guy then try to get to know him and be his friend first, let him get to know who u are and u never know he will probably like u because he will then know what your like and if there is anything in common between u guys....also in all your relationships never regret one in stead look back on them because u learn from all of them and they help alot with your future relationships because u learn what u want more in a guy and u learn the signals that this guy isnt for u like if he has a similare habit that your ex had that was a problem in the relationship u had wih your ex...There is soo much u can learn from all your relationships so look at them as a lesson and teaching instead of a thing to regret :-)
Posted by Nevaeh; updated 05/02/05