Sweet 16
Hi im 14 years old and i already starting to plan my sweet 16 party i need help from somebody
I need to know where i could find a dress for me and my damas please help me
Posted by Glorinel; updated 09/28/04
Go to arnettslaboutique .com it has great dama dresses and beautiful QuinceƱera y 16 dresses. Where do you live there may be a boutique around you that you can go to. Good Luck
Posted by Guerita; updated 09/28/04
Marysbridal.com is a great place to shop. There are some very gorgeous gowns on there and you can even find a sweetheart gown on eBay really reasonable and they are really cute for a Sweet 16. My daughter chose Sweetheart gown 2357 and my sister is making the Presentation doll a gown to match my daughter`s. Look to see if you can find a gown that you like.
Posted by Mika; updated 09/29/04
Shucks!!! As for your damas, look on shopshop.com and you will find gorgeous gowns there at a really good price.
Posted by Mika; updated 09/29/04
I don`t know if i can help you at all but if i can this what i can tell you about the sweet 16 party. I think you should not have one because it is alot of money your parents are going to waist. I did not have one because a party for your friends and other family. That party if for one day. So the thing that I did was I told my parents I wanted a car. So now I have my red viper and I cruise all the time od Friday night .
Posted by Nayleen; updated 11/23/04