Bringing A Guest To A Wedding
Hello, my name is Katie I am 23 years old and I was recently invited to a wedding of a neighbor who i was friends with when i was younger. The invitation was for me plus a guest. I am not currently in a relationship and so do not have a male companion to attend the wedding with me. So I asked my best friend, who is female, to join me. After sending in the reply and casually mentioning to people that i am bringing her with me to the wedding some people have said that it is not appropriate to bring someone besides your husband or significant other. I do not know what to do. I don`t feel comfortable calling them to ask them if it is okay if she comes either. Please, any advice is welcome!! (my best friend does know the bride too, but just from going to the same high school.)
Posted by katie; updated 09/27/04
Take your friend. There is nothing to say who your & guest has to be. If they knew you were not involved then they could have just sent the invite to you only and not added the & guest part.
Posted by Janine; updated 09/28/04
I agree a guest is a guest. We had a few friends bring other friends. We figured that way no one is uncomfortable if they really don`t know alot of people there.
Posted by RecentBride; updated 10/08/04
Well etiquette generally says that the bride doesn`t send out "and guest" invitations. When the invite goes to Mr/Mrs or to You and MySignificantOther, you don`t substitute guests - like bringing daughter instead of DH. But the bride, by putting "and guest" on your invitation gave you the option of who to bring. You didn`t commit any faux pas.
Posted by Col; updated 10/12/04
Thank you so much for posting this question. I am in a similar situation. I also was invited with a guest to a wedding and am not currently in a relationship. I invited my best friend to go with me to the wedding since she is also friendly with the bride. Then a mutual friend who happens to be in the bridal party told me that I should not bring my best friend because the bride had the option of inviting her and did not. She told me that the bride only invited me with a guest as a formality and did not anticipate me bringing a guest. I am so frustrated because I don`t know if she is saying this because she has discussed this with the bride or if she is speaking from her own opinion. I also wasn`t sure what to do. What should we single girls do? Do we bring who we want or stick out the wedding by ourselves?
Posted by Michelle Danzei; updated 08/25/07