Mom And Dad Fued
My parents are divorced and im gonna have a quinceanera mostly my dad and his familys gonna pay for the party but my mom was willing to pay for the cake now my dad doesnt want any of my moms family to go and i really want them to go how can i convince my dad to let my moms family come ? thanks
Posted by penelope; updated 09/27/04
First of all, your whole family should be there for your Quince and that includes your mother`s family. Both together makes up your complete family. You need to sit down with your father and talk to him. Let him know that without your mother`s family there, you would rather not have anything (if that is how you feel). This is not a time in your life when you should have to choose between your parents. They are going through something and should not place you in the middle and that is what is happening here. Tell your father that you feel that he is placing you in the middle of the argument and that you feel like you are being pulled on both sides. You are a child, you should never have to go through this. Let them both know it.
Posted by Mika; updated 09/27/04
You should tell your dad how much your quince means to you and you want your whole family to be there not just his side. Also if he can forget there differances at least once for you, After all it your special day and you deserve to be happy!! and be able to share it with the people you chose to. (hope i helped!)
Posted by Chicana Angel; updated 10/11/04
Well just tell them what are ya`ll talking about this is my party and all of ya`ll can come just no argeing this is my party and i want to be the kind of person iwant to be and this is the day were i can be speical!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by lynn; updated 10/12/04
Is your quince going to be big and lavish? If so, call me at MTV 212 654 6056
Posted by yvete; updated 10/13/04