Halloween Invitations

I need help wording invitations for a costume halloween (adult) party. I`m looking for something fun, scary, rhyming and a great eye catcher. Invitations are very important in my experience and for some reason i can`t think of anything that sounds good.

Posted by jill cox; updated 09/23/04


The winds are howling in the "write the name of your street" streets,
Come out! Come out! Let`s trick and eat!
We`ll be babbling, monster-mashing
And having so much fun too!
Disquise in your costumes and bring your beloved brew,
Slither on down to the Haunted House at eight!
We wouldn`t want you to miss this very important date!

Write party location here

Frightday night, October 25th
8 PM - until you dare
Adults only

RSSSVP by October 20th

(Good luck! We had a community neighborhood
Party and everyone loved the above wording!)
Posted by Audrey Ivey; updated 09/27/04


I found another on this website....I`m having a Halloween Engagement Party and having trouble finding a place that will print them inexpensively while also getting them processed and delivered quickly(since time is running out)
But this is what I`m using:

Because we like a good scare,
And we’re fond of a good fright,
We’re having our engagement party
On the eve of Halloween night!

Invite you to a hauntingly good time to formally announce their engagement.
October 30,2004
At 8:00pm

Please wear a costume
Or you’ll scare us all to death!


Here`s one more:
Let’s all be famous,
Just for one night;
Come in your costume,
To scare or delight!

Invite you to their
Costume Ball/Engagement Party
October 30, 2004
Beginning at 8:00pm
Posted by in search of; updated 09/29/04


Thankyou for your replies....i love the first one. Does anyone have maybe one more that i can choose between. Maybe something a little more lengthy. I will probably use the first one as my husband and i just think it is very cute. We would just like to compare.

Posted by Jill; updated 09/29/04


My Dearest Friend,

It is in the greatest urgency I write to you in this, my darkest hour. I only pray that this letter reaches you in good haste, for I fear that I shan`t be as all once knew me for very much longer! Kindest Friend, I beseech you to come to my aid! To appease the appetite the arduous journey engenders, a lavish feast will be served, drinks to warm you heart and soul. So that you shant be alone in this wretched place, friends new and old shall also be in attendance. For all appearances, this is a Masquerade Ball, you must wear a costume. This is for your safety! Those that dwell beneath this musky earth must not recognize you as mortal!! I must warn you, this is not folly for the faint of heart, All must be of sane mind and sound body, and bear the strength that I myself have long since lost to the wicked voices that beckon me still.... Soon, yes, so very soon we will once again behold one another, and perhaps I will be finally free..
Posted by Gayle; updated 10/20/04


"Calling All Grooving Girls
And Sassy Spirits"

It is (put your child`s name here)`s
Ninth Birthday Skelebration

RIP on Down to the
Haunted Clubhouse
At 5389 Chambord, Newport Ghost

On Frightday Night, October 29th
6 PM - Until Your Dare

Beware! Count on a Batty Good-Time
And Devilicious Foods!

Disquises are a Must!

RSVP to (child`s name)`s Mummy
By October 22nd
(999) Phone No.

I did this invitation for my daughter`s birthday!
EVERYONE loved the wording! I printed it on
Cute ghost/spirit paper! Have FUN!!!
Posted by Audrey Ivey; updated 10/31/04


We have done custom invitations for 6 years (verse and design) and we have launched a halloween line this year on our new site BlueArgyle.com. Check it out and if you need a custom design we can ablige.

Posted by Cherry; updated 09/14/06