Boy Problems

Ok this guy i really really like, how do i know if he likes me? i have seen him looking at me and sometimes he slams my lock shut is her just flirting or does he like me thanks for all ur help
Posted by ?????; updated 09/22/04


Well u might not be able to tell
I have the same prolem but i ask myself is it flirtung or him being nice sorry i couldnt help
Posted by Z; updated 10/05/04


IT IS DEFINATLY flirting!!!!! there is a boy in my class that does the same to me.and we flirt all the time!!!!!it is really fun!!!!1 if you are shy SNAP out of it i was shy at the begining of the year and it doesnt get you anywhere so flirt back with him then he migh fall in love or something b/c i think that is what is happing with me and this guy

Well hope i could help
Posted by *****; updated 10/06/04