Small Wedding No Reception: Announcements

I am having a small destination wedding ceremony in Hawaii and no reception following. I would like to send out wedding announcements but am confused as to whether they should be sent out before my ceremony date or after? How do I tactfully word the announcement including the places we have registered?
Posted by melissa; updated 09/21/04


You send the announcement once you are married, and you would NEVER include the fact that you are registered anywhere, nor should you expect gifts. If family members or friends would like to give a gift, be sure to include a correct return address - otherwise, you should not expect to receive anything simply because you are being married. In fact, I think registering at a store is not very tactful.
Posted by Lori; updated 09/22/04


I never did EXPECT to receive any gifts at all, in fact. The problem that has occured is that most everyone has been questioning what gifts to give us...we have been together for over 7 years now and own a house so people who have chosen to buy us gifts seem unsure of what we might need/want. Hence the purpose for registering. We have way too many friends and family to do this all by word of mouth as well...stuck btwn. A rock is what I feel like!
Posted by melissa; updated 09/22/04


Well, I did not intend to frustrate you more Melissa. I think one way that you may want to handle things is to have a small Bridal Shower or luncheon for you and your husband either before or after the ceremony. That way, your friends and/or family members can say congratulations as well as offer any gifts that they may want to give.
I`m sure that you don`t want to spend more money, but... I think if you have an early brunch that you could really save. ( You won`t be expected to have drinks )You can have it buffet style and have a lot of finger foods.
One other idea is, if you have it after the ceremony, be sure to make a great scrapbook to show to everyone.
Posted by Tamara; updated 09/23/04


I agree, do not send registry information on an announcement. I actually would maybe word it to include no gifts please, we just wanted to make the announcement. If they ask, you could tell them you are registered but that this is a celebration announcement only and you would prefer no gifts. I think that is what people would expect to hear. No invitation to a wedding, no gifts unless they are close friends/family and choose to do so.
Posted by Marcie; updated 11/30/09