Mother`s Importance
I was wondering if someone who knows a lot about Quinceaneras could tell me what the mother`s importance is in the Quinceanera, So I can explain to my mom why it is important for her to be there...My father and her are having problems and right now she`s not wanting to go to Mexico in December with him for it...
Thank you!
Posted by Andrea; updated 09/18/04
If someone could please respond??
Thank you,
Posted by Andrea; updated 09/19/04
Let your mother know that it is the same as being the mother of the Bride. She is the person who has helped you become this beautiful young lady and this is a special day for all of you as a family. It is not about the husband or wife, it is about you. Their focus should be on you. The mother is there as a guide from your past to your future. She is presenting you to society as the young lady that she raised to be a lady. She is "showing off" what she turned you into. Do you understand what I am saying? When I present my daughter, I will be showing off to society that I raised a beautiful, proper, strong willed and determined daughter. I am saying to them, look at the great job I did with her, she is ready to make her mark in society. Please talk to your mother and tell her that you need her to be there for you and with you. You have to keep putting that in her head. Don`t resort to the old, "you don`t love me if you don`t do this". It may feel that way but your mother is going through something and be there for her and she will be there for you.
Posted by Mika; updated 09/20/04
Thank you a lot. I will tell her, and she`s cooled off since then, and im pretty sure will be going with me to it...
Thanks again,
Posted by Andrea; updated 09/22/04