Please answer this for me, before dealing with a vendor who makes claims to making custom gowns or replica designer gowns, shouldn`t all legitimate business be able to provide the following information to potential customers?
1. Contact # and address
2. Contact person
3. Business date of establishment
4. Customer referrals
5. Customer satisfaction policy
If a vendor refuses or ignores request for the information, one can assume that they are operating a potential scam. Does anyone have any insight on this matter?
I just don`t want to spend my hard earned dollar and waste my time on a vendor who won`t deliver the goods, No one wants to be strung along for a ride. Do your research before you deal with these vendors, I implore you. You will save yourself a whole lot of time and heartache in the end.
Please comment.
Posted by K; updated 09/14/04
I already forward this info to your email
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Posted by BB; updated 09/14/04