I Need A Wedding Gown , BUT I`VE GOT NO MONEY

Hey, i`m from Trinidad, me best friend is getting married an need`s a wedding gown but has no money!
Posted by shamika; updated 09/04/04


Contact me we will see what we can work out

Visit our page for more info: Trishas Formals

Posted by Patty; updated 09/04/04


Thanks very, very, very much patty, but what to do when i visit your web page.
Posted by shamika; updated 09/05/04



Your friend needs to go to the Justice of the Peace if she can`t afford a gown. Or she should wait until she has the money, not beg for hand outs. It isn`t the public`s job to finance her wedding.
Posted by Michelle; updated 09/05/04


It`s none of your buisness to suggest that she goes to justice of peace,( NONE AT ALL) if you don`t have a proper contribution to give hush your mouth.

Thank you.
Posted by shamika; updated 09/05/04



This is a public board. When you post, you make it everyone else`s business, like it or not. I agree with Michele. It isn`t up to strangers to pay for her gown. If she can`t, maybe her husband can. If he can`t she should consider if either one is ready for financial responsibilities that come with marriage. Michelle is right! She should go the courthouse! What will she ask for next??!
Posted by Cathy; updated 09/05/04


Please email me at trishasbridal@charter.net

Visit our page for more info: Trishas Formals

Posted by Patty; updated 09/05/04


Whatever! if you can not help, HUSH. O.K.
Posted by shamika; updated 09/06/04


I agree with the other gals...there are other options to getting a very nice dress...other than begging for one...go to an internet auction web site & bid on one for really cheap, or go to a thrift store, or have a family member make it for you.
I am a college student w/ no job & I am getting married in May so, I know what it is like to have no money... But I found other reasonable options... I am not trying to critisize you, just trying to tell you I know what you are going through & there are other options! I hope you can find something lovely!
Posted by Kim; updated 09/06/04


Ooohhh ya....one more thing....I know this from expierence, you can not have a wedding if you have no money!! Weddings are VERY expensive...it`s not just a dress, have you thought of all the other things you will have to pay for? Invitations, flowers, bridesmaid dresses, a place to have it, a place to have your party afterwards, food for your party, photographs & on & on.... I am lucky because I got a loan from the bank to help with these things...but If I would have not been able to get the loan, I would have not been able to get married! I hope your wedding is beautiful, but please remember ALL the other things you will have to pay for too....besides the dress!!! You may not be able to afford it!! I know I couldn`t!! Best of luck! :)
Posted by Kim; updated 09/06/04


Thanks very much for your timely advise, but i`m just trying to help out my friend.
Posted by shamika; updated 09/06/04



Your friend should go to the courthouse, whether you want to hear that or not. You telling others to shut up makes you RUDE on TOP OF being T-A-C-K-Y and having no class at all. If you are TRULY a friend, tell your friend weddings take money and you are being met with resistance because others like your friend take part-time jobs or take out loans, not go begging to strangers like hungry children on the street. What makes you and your friend so special that strangers should just what?.....send you money?.... Both of you need to wake up, get a life, get a part-time job and stop begging. Obviously, you have NO CLUE how bad and tacky you BOTH look. Go to the courthouse...and by the way, YOU SHUT UP and stop begging!
Posted by Barbara; updated 09/06/04


I understand you are trying to help out a friend & that is very nice of you...BUT, why isn`t she the one looking for the dress?? It is not your job to go begging arround the internet for a dress for her. She needs to get up & get out & see what she can do to help herself. Like trying all the things I listed earlier...I am not sure if she has a job or if she has parents to help her out, but why aren`t you trying those ideas first instead of asking for one on here?? It would only take a month of work from a job to get enough money for a beautiful dress!! This situation just seems a little "strange"... Like I said, I hope you can work something out...but honestly, your friend needs to realize that if she can not pay for a dress, there will be no way she can pay for a wedding...I am not being mean, it is just common knowledge...
Posted by Kim; updated 09/06/04


I agree with Kim at the bottom. The others are not trying to be mean, but realistic. If the woman cannot afford a dress, she should look into a part time job or a loan instead of asking a friend to go begging on the internet. That is just not the way to go about getting a dress. If so, there would be thousands of women asking for a freebies on the internet. Someone else said the dress is only one part of a wedding, there is still food, entertainment, flowers, invitations, bridesmaid and groomsmen`s attire, cake, decoration, and all that without the honeymoon yet. So if she cannot even afford the dress, how will she pay for everything else. I agree with the others. This is why people go to the Justice of the Peace. She should go to the Justice of the Peace. Then she can save for a few years and at her 5-year anniversary, have a traditional renewal of vows based upon what she has saved up. Shamika you should stop telling others to shut up, and maybe you should listen. The other people are right. She should go to the Justice of the Peace. Put your energies to responding to the woman who offered to work something out for you rather than responding and telling others to shut up. You look really rude now on top of totally tacky. Respond to trisha, not to me. If you keep on being rude, trisha probably will no longer be even willing to help you out. Rude people just dont` seem to get why other people keep turning their backs on them. How about some manners?
Posted by Phyllis; updated 09/06/04


Where are you really from? What is the meaning of tacky. That`s bad English you know. I guess you are from the great Ameriass. By the way let me introduce myself I am hear to teach you some manners. If you and the others cannot help the girl, then I personally suggest you all shot the hell up, and please don`t write back until you learn proper English. By the way do you have children to feed and clean their bottom instead of writing messages on this notice board.
Posted by kimily; updated 09/07/04


Hi barbara
I think that you are simply fast and damn well out of place. If you have nothing to send, I suggest you shut the ass up. By the way you seems very racial. I agree with shamika because she is just trying to help a friend. You are very unkind.
Posted by kimily; updated 09/07/04


Hi Kim,
My name is kimily. I read the response to shamika you have sent and guess what it sucks. What the hell you mean when you say the situation seems strange. I am from ghana and I know what is hard times you know. I think if you people cannot help shamika why reply, not that I can help her but I understand the situation, something you people out there don`t understand. Thanks to patty at least she understands. By the way do you have a boyfriend or are you a junky.
Posted by kimily; updated 09/07/04


I agree and disagree...it was out of line for the others to tell her that her friend should go to the justice of the peace....BUT it is also out of line to come on here & beg for a dress. If she would have come on & explained that she was trying to help a friend that had no money, and wanted some nice affordible alternative options, I think everyone else would have been happier to help....but simply coming on & saying her friends wants one & has no money is rude. I would be glad to help in any way I can with giving suggestions on other options...but I am not going to give anyone a dress & I don`t think anyone else would either. If everyone did that, then people would be out of jobs because the bridal industry would die because no one was paying for dresses. Like I said...I will be happy to look on internet auction sites & other places for affordable options...& I think if the initial message would have been posted differently, the other gals on here would have responded more favorably.
Posted by Kim; updated 09/07/04


I said the situation seemed strange, because she comes on here looking for someone to GIVE her a dress & when we tell her about other things she is going to have to pay for beyond the dress, she doesn`t care..the only thing she is focused on is the dress...but big deal...so what if you have a dress...if you have no money for anything else you are not going to have a wedding...
I have not been trying to be rude...only helpful in my suggestions, but now I am getting angry. You come on here & act like you are God & tell everone else to shut up if they are not going to help, when you are not helping either...all you are doing is attacking everyone who is trying to offer suggestions!!
By the way...if you would have read my messages below you would know that I am a poor college student myself & I am getting married in May so, yes girlie I do have a boyfriend & yes I know what it is like to have hard times...but you don`t see me on here begging for a dress...I am a strong independent woman.. I am not lazy...if I want a dress I`ll go out & find it, I don`t need to beg others... So, if you are telling everone else to shut up, maybe you should run your own shutter & shut up yourself, because you are not offering any suggestions either...
Posted by Kim; updated 09/07/04


Hi there shamika , if you do not already have a wedding dress i have one that you could have, i was going to get married in it a few years ago but the man that was to be my husband disapeared..... The only problem you may have is shipping costs and i wonder if you can pay them at all....contact me on faye.masters@ntlworld.com oh and good luck
Posted by faye; updated 09/07/04


Kim gal, accept my apology. I was just angry at how human can be so cruel. But thank anyhow and big up yourself. Blessed. No I am not god, just a human being like you.
Posted by kimily; updated 09/07/04


I think all of you are missing the point. A wedding is not about dresses and cakes and flowers and all of that other junk that you all are so wrapped up in, it is about the commitment two people make to love each other forever. And maybe Shamika`s friend wants her vows witnessed by God in church rather than by some county judge. If she needs help so that she can at least look like a blushing bride in white, then I don`t see what the problem is of her asking for it on a message board where there might more likely be a person willing to donate one. You wouldn`t scoff at people for not being able to afford food or clothing and asking for donations, so why now? Remember your humanity and try not to be so evil when it comes to such a happy occassion. I wish I had a dress to donate to your friend, but I hope you will convey to her my best wishes. Should I come upon a dress I can donate in my search for my own, I will let you know.
Posted by Pamela; updated 09/07/04


Well I just happened to start reading this thread and I am actually a little suprised that some people would be so rude. This woman comes on here to simply request a gown for her friend. 1 thing she is from Trinadad, not that I know anything about that part of the world or how they do things there, but by being rude to her for asking is absolutely uncalled for. Perhaps they don`t do "Justice of the Peace" like we do here in America. Perhaps all her friend has ever wanted was a wedding gown and she doesn`t care about the other things like invitations or big reception? Do you all know the answer to those questions. If you don`t like what she is doing don`t offer her a dress. How many times have you been in a situation and been told "you won`t know until you ask" or "it doesn`t hurt to ask"? Now I am a single mom and I work full time and I am planning a wedding and we are paying cash for our wedding. Someone on here said they took out a loan which is fine and how you have chosen to pay for your wedding. I could have just as easily posted that someone who can`t afford to pay cash for their wedding shouldn`t get married and why would you ask the bank to loan you money for your wedding? Be clear I am NOT saying that, but would I have any right to make a judgement on how you have chosen to pay for your wedding ... No I wouldn`t. So if you can help out and have the means to donate a dress to a woman who is getting married and doesn`t have the money for a dress FABULOUS and if you don`t wish them luck and move on. Her requesting a dress for her friend in no way has negatively affected your life and therefore shouldn`t elicit a negative response from you.
Posted by Jayme; updated 09/08/04


This is quite interesting. Shamika`s friend need a wedding dress and the goddesses of the world begin to criticise and condemn. What human compassion!! Do you all know that I have to spend $65 in my country to obtain a 400g pack of milk?? Going to the supermarket with $100.00 makes me look like a fool. However, guess what, I was one of the fortunate young qualified woman in my country who managed to get a job. Many others, some more qualified, others less qualified, are what we call `on the bread line`. Stavation, poverty, the people in my country know about that.

How could some of you people be so cold? How could you not even try to understand the woman`s plight. (Today for me, tomorrow for you) Does this mean anything to you? Sure, I would not have chosen to use the internet, but that`s only because of my pride. But should I condemn her? I don`t think so.

Hope you find a dress for your friend Shamika. I am sorry that I can`t help.
Posted by Sue; updated 09/09/04