$3500 Designer Dress For Sale CHEAP!!!
I have found my dream dress but unfortunately I am not allowed to buy it until I find a buyer for what I *thought* was my dream dress first :( This dress is by Italian designer Atelier Aimee, classic and gorgeous and retails for $3500 but I am willing to take what I can get in order to send it to a good home. And then I can order my dream dress! I am hoping for $750 or best offer. To see photos, check out my ebay auction which has lots of pictures:
Item number: 8128281935
(or go to www.ebay.com and search for "atelier dress")
Please check out the auction if you are interested! Also, please spread the word about this dress, it is absolutely beautiful but I must get rid of it - we are on a tight budget and so there is no possible way I can rationalize buying this dress I really want if I can`t at least recoup some of my money :( Tell anyone you know who is looking for a dress and would love a great deal!
Posted by Becky; updated 09/03/04
Am I too late to see this gown? I tried to see it on ebay, but it said that the auction was done. Have you sold it?
Posted by cherie; updated 09/06/04
Nope, didn`t sell it yet - I actually have it listed on craigslist if you would like to see it... The webpage is:
If you are interested, please feel free to email me at beckye@ucla.edu. Thanks for looking!
Posted by Becky; updated 09/06/04