Anyone Buy A Custom-Made Replica Designer?

Does anyone have any advice or opinion on custom-made gowns, specifically, quality and construction of the material????
Posted by Jenan; updated 09/01/04


We do custom made replica of designer gowns such as lazaro, amsale, monique lhuillier, reem acra and many others.
All replicas vary. Depending on how detailed the pictures are will insure how close the replica will come out.
Our replicas look 95% to the original style. 5% may be a change in fabric or beadwork or color.
We also have done replicas that look 99% as the original, I have brides who provided such detailed pictures that the replica looks just like the original and no one could tell the difference. It all depends on the dress you want to get replicated.
To view some of our replicas please feel free to visit our site,
Or email for any price or info.

Visit our page for more info: Bargain-Bride

Posted by BB; updated 09/01/04