Can`t Afford A Wedding

I come from a single mother family - so my mom can`t help wth the wedding and I wouldn`t expect her too - she doesn`t have money - I don`t really have any other financial sources aside from myself - same with my boyfriend - we can`t even afford rings, etc. Right now. We want to get married in the next two years but will only be able to afford some rings (just average) and to pay off student loans, etc. By then. I`ll be 30 in the summer - I don`t want to have to save for years to get married - but I don`t want to disappoint friends - I have so many who want me to have a wedding and I just don`t have the money although I would love to. They all talk about open bar - dinners - I`ve heard people complain of other tacky weddings and crap weddings - I don`t want to hold one on a very tight budget and have people not understand and complain later. I shouldn`t care what people think but I do care - is it rude to have a very private ceremony or elope? How do you annouce this without sounding like a poor me I can`t afford it - or a suck - how do you politely say it`s not possible financially right not and have people truly understand. I`m not cheap I am very generous but don`t have another few thousand right now to spare. Help!
Posted by Lori; updated 08/25/04


Your message was very helpful to me. My fiance and I are in the *exact* situation...down to the fact that I, too, will be 30 next year and don`t want to wait forever!

Thank you for posting the message. The replies gave me a lot of insight, as well!

Good luck with your planning!
Posted by Carrie; updated 08/25/04


There`s another post here that is titled Dream Weding Sweepstakes. It is put out by A Beautiful Celebration, who has worked wonders for me and my family. Read it and try-you have nothing to lose with them. I did my sister`s wedding for lss than $1000 and mine for about $690 with them. But you can WIN everything from them with their sweepstakes so maybe this will helpyou both. Good luck!
Posted by TamiSue; updated 08/25/04


My Dear Young Lady,
I hear this so often... But your fears are unfounded. From throwing a tasteful but simple ceremony to having a celebration after you`ve tied the knot. All weddings are beautiful; but if you need help please contact me. I am the Wedding Godmother, I have helped many couples in your position attain their magical moment with in the budget.
I am a Wedding and Event designer in So. CA. If you are not in this area ,I can at least give you some tips to set you in the right direction.
May Your Dreams Come True!
Posted by Karen; updated 08/27/04


Here is what comes down to my wedding with 200 guests.
Dress-$200 (at Ebay, brandnew and custom made in HK)
Veil and other accessories- $100
Bridesmaid dress-onsale at Macy`s $40 apiece-120
Flowers-We went to Walmart and dollar store and with help from friends-$200
Hair and makeup-$100

Reception-we had it at a buffet store ($15 each person including soft drinks and tip)$3000 (200 guests)

Beers/wines/champaign-got at a whole sale club, and returned the unopened items=spend $700 in total

That`s all I can think of for you can see, it`s within $5000
Posted by Marina; updated 09/23/04