Hair Do`s And Don`ts
Hey I need help my Sweet 16 is coming up and everything else is done except for the hair.. I need to know what to do with it so if someone can give me a website or tell me something to do it would be a great help.. Thanks
Posted by Jay; updated 08/19/04
Usually at salons they have tons of books with hair styles in them. But if you are doing it yourself, I personally love curly hair. I think it would be cute to just leave the hair down with tons of curls. Not the jerry curls....kinda like baby doll curls. If you`ll go to google and type in hair styles (be sure you click on image) it will give you lots of ideas! You also might wanna check out the Sweet 16 message boards. Good luck!
Posted by Ashley; updated 08/22/04
Try the lady is very nice
Posted by taliya; updated 08/28/04