Just A Question
Well I found out yesterday that I am going to have a joint quincenera with not only one of my cousins but two. I have 2 days to decide if I want that. I mean I kind of do but I am worried. Its not that I don`t want to but then I feel like I`m being selfish and I don`t want to be. So If you could give me your opinion on this it will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Posted by Maria; updated 08/15/04
Well in a way you shouldn`t have it together with your cousins because they might take all the center of attention from you. But in another way they can help you economically so you wouldn`t have to pay for it all
Posted by Jackie; updated 08/15/04
I did my quince back in `95 and of course it was a joined quinceanera and well my cuz really made my night horrible. She wanted everything her way and no one elses. I only took a few pictures and the rest were her and the invitados(or herself). Like Jackie said, it is economic. But its your night, It is your night to shine!
Posted by Mari; updated 08/16/04