Gift Request

What is the best way of requesting monitary gifts? My fiance and I have everything that we could possibly need and will be merging our households. I would like to request monitary gift in a unique, but yet tackful way. Can you please give some suggestions!
Posted by Anntwynette; updated 08/11/04


Maybe if you stop calling it a "gift insert" and call it what it really is you will have an easier time with the right and wrong of it all. If you feel awkward saying what you mean there is a reason and giving it a cute name is the wrong way to ease your mind.
Posted by Steve; updated 08/11/04


My wedding is in October 2004 and we are using an insert with a wishing well poem on it that politely requests money instead of gifts. Hope this helps and congratulations on your wedding. Hope all goes well.
Posted by Natasha; updated 08/13/04


Wow, just wow. Kay is soooooo pushy.

A Martha Stewart clone with none of the talent and all of the crappiness!
Posted by Billy Jim; updated 08/14/04


Kay, you are pushy. People secretly hate you behind your back. You are Martha Stewart without the talent.

Good job!
Posted by Billy Jim; updated 08/14/04


The way you should let your guest know that you prefer money as gifts is the same way you let them know where you are registered, by word of mouth. You let you family know and they spread the word when people ask. If you are having a shower then you may put on that invitation where you are registered or money tree or what ever you prefer. There is also some creative ways at the wedding reception for people to give you money. A dollar dance, a wishing well. I have even seen "tip jars" in the bathrooms. Something to the effect of "Give the new couple your best marriage "tip" have slips of paper for people to write their suggestions and deposit money.
I hope this helps.
Posted by Dona Liston; updated 08/15/04


Now all take a deep breath, what is all this bit chin for huh?
I think we are all losing the point a little, we are not here to judge each other but to give our opions on one of the most important days of someone`s life!!!! Now all just get over yourselves and focus on the issue!
Ok I am of Asian origion and our guests tend to bring the same presents...stainlesss stell containers, wall clocks, jug sets...need I go on? ok well it has no become poilcy that we add a note on the invites, "No boxed gifts please, your presence and blessings are of importance". Or something along those lines.
It`s important to know that those guests that really want to bring something will bring something regardless. Also from a guests point of view...which we all seem to have forgotten...I don`t know about you all but I am always pleased when I receive and invite with a gift list or a not asking for no boxed gifts...It means I am not spending hours looking or thinking about a gift that may be of no use to the couple. I would rather take something, be it money or a boxed gift that the couple will make use of . After all it`s just a gesture so why all the hoo haa!
Posted by Anj; updated 01/26/07


There is never a "best way." It is always tacky.
Posted by Krista; updated 05/16/07


Anj nailed it! No boxed gift or no registry selected, etc.
Then simply return the gifts that you don`t want!

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Posted by Tracy; updated 05/19/07


I am getting marry and need only monitary gifts. Please help me with the best wordings to fit every invited guest.
Posted by rebecca; updated 03/10/08