Song To Dance With My Dad
Hey! My quince is in 5 months and i kinda wanted to find a song for me and my dad to dance to. Im having a lot of trouble finding a really good one. I want it to be in spanish and sound like my dad is singing it to me! Also, if ne one knows of a website where i could preview the song before id really like 2 know! So if anyone has ne ideas please tell me! THANX!
Posted by Maggie; updated 08/10/04
I`m with you Maggie, I need the exact same thing, but my quinceñera is September 4th, so i don`t have as much time! So if someone could help us soon that would be great!
Posted by Yesire; updated 08/10/04
I just had my quince a few weeks ago and the song i danced with my dad was "De niña a mujer" its a very beutiful song,dad and i cried during it i`ll try to get a preview of it for ya if you are interested
Posted by Alejandra; updated 08/11/04
Oops i forgot to tell you about it,its basically about the dad recongnizing that his little girl is no longer little but a woman instead,and how he misses the years of when she was little and he cant beleive that they went by so fast and sort of stuff here are the lyrics:Eras niña de largos silencios
Y ya me querías bien
Tu mirada buscaba la mía
Jugabas a ser mujer.
Pocos años ganados al tiempo, vestidos con otra piel,
Y mi vida que nada esperaba
También te quería bien.
Te extrañaba ya tanto
Que al no verte a mi lado
Ya soñaba con volverte a ver
Y entretanto te estaba inventando
De niña a mujer.
Y esa niña de largos silencios
Volaba tan alto que
Mi mirada quería alcanzarla
Y no la podía ver.
La paraba en el tiempo pensando
Que no debería crecer,
Pero el tiempo me estaba engañando
Mi niña se hacía mujer.
La quería ya tanto
Que al partir de mi lado
Ya sabía que la iba a perder
Y es que el alma le estaba cambiando
De niña a mujer.
Posted by Alejandra; updated 08/11/04
Heres a site where you can hear a demo:
Hope this helps you guys
Posted by Alejandra; updated 08/11/04
Alejandra, thanx so much! i listened 2 it! its gr8! thanx, thats exactly wut kind of song i wuz looking for!
Posted by Maggie; updated 08/11/04
Your welcome!
Posted by Alejandra; updated 08/11/04
I was also wondering... Does ne1 have pics of their quinces? i just wanted 2 see if i could get ne other cute ideas for mine... Just ne kind of pics from ur quinces!! if u do could u send them 2 and label them like quince pics or something so i dont think its just junk! thanx! id really appreciate it!
Posted by Maggie; updated 08/11/04
Hey my quince is in july the 9 but i dont have a song yet to dance with my dad please help me ??????
Posted by NANCY; updated 11/16/04
Hey was ^ the song that u can get is the chayanne one
Posted by Amanda; updated 11/20/04
One song is Mi Nina I dunno who sings it but its really good. Its about this dad saying that his little girl is growing up(all that stuff) its a bachata song tho
Posted by Reyna; updated 11/28/04