Your Opinion
Hey ppll
I am turning 15 in 8 monthes and i need advice on my damas. I am havin 6 damas and my parents think all of them should be family like two of them are gonna be my sistas Jade and Margareete and they want the rest of them to be cousins but i wanna have some of my close friends in there. So what do yall think should i keep it stricktly family or should i mix it up a bit wit friends and family?
Posted by Kalise; updated 08/08/04
U gotta have at least a few close freind...try this out...if ur sisters are 13 or older have them in it...then maybe a few couzins that are 13 or older(if most of ur couzins are 13 nd up make it 14 nd up)...then of course u gotta choose ur own chambelon(u dont want him to be ur u?) well hope i helped sumwut! have fun nd plz answer my question u can see it when u go to all messages u can find it under *READ ND HELP* or *WUT COLOR SHOULD I CHOOSE FOR MY QUINCEANERA* thanks nd good luck!
Posted by *StArz*; updated 08/08/04