Wedding Invatation Error


We had our inviations done months ago for our upcoming wedding this October.

Now the times for the ceromony AND the reception have been changed....

Any ideas as to what to put on a "OPPS!" card to be placed in with our invites?!!

Posted by Janet; updated 08/01/04


You really can`t include an oops card WITH the invites. It`s a little bit tacky. You can, however mail one after the invites have gone out. Of course you can do it if you want to. The best way I think would be to order another reception card piece with a quick note of apology and the new addresses and time. But if $$ is an issue like it is with myself and most of us on here, printing it yourself is fine, just do your best to match everything as close as you can.

My Fh and I were planning a spring wedding, we had everything purchased and reserved...including the invitations ($400). We had to postpone to a late summer wedding instead and lost all of our deposits so $$ is very tight this time. I went to the local office supply superstore and found a great light card stock. I used all of the envelopes from the expensive invites printed with the return addresses and colored ink and so on and the outside folder of the invite itself which was the prettiest part anyway. I scanned in the graphics from the reception/RSVP cards. And I printed my own new inserts and reception/RSVP cards. It was impossible to tell the difference. No one believed me when I said I did it all on my PC.

Although it took some time, it looked professional for a cost of less than $10 including ink.
Posted by me; updated 08/01/04


I`m sorry but I don`t think you should enclose an oops card either. If you really can`t afford to have your invitations reprinted, choose a more reasonable invite or I saw kits at both office supply stores and Craft stores that were very nice looking and very inexpensive to do your own.
Posted by Bethy; updated 08/03/04


Thank you to you both, however, I have consulted a wedding planning company here in my home town and they said that it is not tacky at all. That my invitations are too nice to not put in the mail, so I have gotten my "opps" cards to match them at no cost to me!

Thank you for your opinons.
Posted by Janet; updated 08/03/04


Well I am glad that someone you pay to offer you opinions is agreeing with you. However it is still tacky and extremely cheap and Ghetto. And I am very glad I am not on your guest list as I would be forced to laugh and decline your invite as you obviously cannot afford to have a wedding if you mailed the invites like that.
Posted by Michelle; updated 08/03/04


Michelle- I have to ask why you are so rude about this. That is all part of the wedding..Plans change, things change although it would really be frustrating to have to send new reception cards out..the guest are not going to care so why do you care?
Posted by krista; updated 08/03/04


Michelle, I guess I`m considered cheap and ghetto as well. But I don`t think it`s tacky at all if she were to include an "oops card" in the invite. Plans change and things come up, and seriously who cares? I know when I get invitations I don`t save them, they end up in the trash after the event passes. Why spend an outrageous amount of money on ordering new invitations? That`s crazy, unless you have the extra $300 or more to cover the cost. Guetto would be something like just picking up the phone and calling everyone on your list to notify them of the error.
Posted by Adriana; updated 08/03/04


I never accused anyone of being cheap and/or ghetto, that really is not my style. I gave my opinion as to what I would have done under the same circumstances. Recently a co-worker did enclose a oops card as the she decided that she wouldn`t have time to have her hair done the morning of the wedding, without having to get up too early. Everyone at work laughed and joked with her about it and as soon as she walked out of the office the snide remarks started. I know once you get a lot of women in an office it can be brutal, but I think it is pretty much what everyone will do. Good Luck in your decision.
Posted by Bethy; updated 08/03/04


Bethy, that`s what kind of co-workers you have! Brutal ones. How rude! Basically you`re damn if you do and you`re damn if you don`t. That was a stupid reason to include an oops card! To have enough time to get your hair done, but I think it`s ok if plans have changed and you need to correct the date. Whatever you do, people are always going to have something negative to say! You can`t satisfy everyone~!
Posted by Adriana; updated 08/04/04


Thank you so much Krista and Adrianna for you comments and opinions and most of all for being kind hearted and sympatic over the cost of my wedding. Thank you for not being cruel.....

And Bethy, so sorry to hear that you work at the worse place on earth.....I am so lucky to work in an office that I work at are not all snobs and a bunch of old hens!!

Michelle, I have to tell this site is to HELP people with the planning of their wedding, NOT degrade them and make them feel like CRAP, you are a cruel person, and people like you will be the ones with all the problems at their wedding, because you don`t deserve to have a good wedding, to cruel Michelle, way to cruel. As for inviting you to my wedding, I pick my guest list carefully, if I wanted Princess Diana AND Queen Elizabeth, maybe I would have had no "opps" card in my invitations, but I am not, I am having honest, down to earth people, who understand that not everybodies "DADDY" doesn`t pay for their wedding. Good luck Michelle!! Hope that your wedding is everything you dreamed of....but mine in the GHETTO is going to be 10 times more fun!!
Posted by Janet; updated 08/05/04


Not everyone`s daddy pays for their wedding. No kidding. What about those people, like me, who have no parents at all. I have worked very hard to pay for my wedding. I work 2 jobs and my FH works 3 to save all of the $ we can to have the wedding we dreamed of. I am having my wedding in a zoo, with clowns and face painting and the whole bit, for kids and adults alike. So I don`t know about you having a better time than we will.

I do apologize if you think I am cruel, but I am a lot nicer than you will think the people closest to you are when you overhear them making fun of you about your invites.
Posted by Michelle; updated 08/05/04


Michelle, that was exactly my point. Before you start telling everyone on the board that I am planning a wedding in the GHETTO, put yourself in some esle`s shoes.

You can`t imagine how I felt when I read your message, you could have worded it better then what you did. I don`t give a rat`s ass how you are paying for your wedding, I really don` should find a site for BRIDEZILLA`S not for people trying to help on another....nobody, N-O-B-O-D-Y wants opinions like yours....and oh, ya.....

Having it at a zoo huh? Yeah, cause no one will laugh at that....
Posted by Janet; updated 08/05/04


Oh my god you are having your wedding at a zoo, and you think a Oops card is Tacky. WOW!
Posted by Jamie; updated 08/05/04


I don`t agree with an oops card, in my opinion it is tacky, but you got the new card for free so go with it. I do however, like the idea of the zoo wedding. Sounds gorgeous to me. I live close to San Fran, and the zoo is across the street from a beautiful ocean beach which makes for great pics, and their banquet area near the rainforest is above and beyond any ballroom I have ever seen. What`s wrong with face painting and activities to keep the kiddies occupied? I wish I could afford to do something like that.

Good luck!
Posted by Excited Bride; updated 08/05/04


I think you should follow your consultant also (even though I have never known or heard of that in my etiquette book) but to each his own. I can tell you this, I went to a zoo wedding and it was just that. The animals stink and it was quite noisy. Even on her video, it was very noisy. Because of the smell, I didn`t even want to eat. I think because they both volunteer at the zoo and both are Vets, they felt that this was the theme that they wanted and it all depends on your theme because I have even been to a circus wedding. I don`t think anyone here has a right to call anyone ghetto or tacky because a wedding is the BRIDE`s day and it is HER way! If you feel that something shouldn`t be done, then don`t do it at your day. I just don`t think a zoo wedding suits me as animals stink and they don`t mind still going to the bathroom no matter who a visitor is.
Posted by BrideB; updated 08/06/04


Go to your local party shop and they have wedding invitation kits!!! You get 50 invites, envelopes, reponse cards, and a sample of how to do it and just make your own!!!! it cost me $ 40.00 dollars to make 50 invitations!!!!
Posted by Nikki; updated 08/09/04


Thank you, honestly, to everyone for their help. I have sent out my invitations to those who are away and have gotten back nothing but good responses about how beautiful they were.

My only advice to any of you is to go by what YOU want. I think it was a mistake for me to ever have come on this site and post my question as a few responses really hurt my feelings and I in return hurt others feelings to, I am sure of it.....and I am sorry for that.

These sites are to help people out, not insult one anothers wedding plans, and as stated earlier by someone, it is up to what the BRIDE wants. So, I am guessing that I want a wedding from the ghetto! I don`t mind at all!

Thank you again, I wish each and everyone of you the best of luck in your weddings! I bet that when all is done and over, we will all be happy with our outcomes, weather is be in a zoo or the ghetto!

Good Luck Girls!!
Posted by Janet; updated 08/09/04


Pls, pls, pls, ladies! there is absolutely NO NEED to degrade anyone`s wedding plans. Its d bride day to do with as she pleases. If any of u receive an oops card u dont have to go to d wedding. One man`s meat is another man`s poison. Janet, pls dont feel bad abt posting on this site. Feel free to do as u please. There`s no absolute right or wrong way. Michelle, u have no right to speak like that. If ur going to be so rude, maybe u shd b excluded from the board. This site is for us to exchange advice and help, not insult and ridicule.
Happy married life to y`all!
Posted by Mrs Bride; updated 08/09/04