Questions Need Answered Plz
For the entrance i know it has to be the court 1st but then after the court whos next and so on and so on??
Whats a good song with out words for changing of the shoes??
Should there be 3 seperate songs when im dancing with my dad my padrino and my chambelan??
Thanks a lot.always me
Posted by lilmizzrivas; updated 07/29/04
I`ll give u the best advice i can im having one in september but i have been to 9 quinces this past school year, i learned this from watching. Well for the entrance yes its the court and then you have your padrinos and your grandparents and your parents that can be in which ever order ..and sometimes you can walk with your dad, and your mom would walk with the main chambelan, but it doesnt matter. For the changing of the shoes, it doesnt matter its not traditional, a lot of the ones i went to that didnt happen and i`m not wanting to wear heels anyways because im going to take them off with in an hour. But if your still going to do it , i would choose something out of a old disney movie , like sleeping beauty, or cinderella, something cute you know. For the dance with you dad, your padrino and your chambelan, you can choose one song .. But you dancing with your chambelan is in option, unless your not having a court. I say you choose one song for your dad and dance the whole thing with him because its like one of the most emotional parts of a quinceanera, its really important. And then you can just choose one song to dance with who ever else your dancing with and that would usually be your padrinos and your grandpa. Yeah and for a waltz song, well yah thats hard, but you can look online for songs thats where i got my waltz song. Well i hope your quince goes really good and i hope i helped you. But if you have anymore questions you can e-mail me @
Posted by julie; updated 07/29/04