Looking For Cheap Votive Holders <.50 Ea 100+

Any help would be appreciated. Looking for 100+ glass votive candle holders to be less than or equal to $.50 each including shipping. Thanks! I found some $.53 each on ebay, but I would like to see if anyone has a better suggestion.
Posted by Betts; updated 07/29/04


Not sure if there`s a Michael`s craft store in your area, but they often have them for cheaper than that and you can use their 40% off coupon that they usually have in their flyers. Also, try Walmart, I found some for 29 cents each.
Posted by adriana; updated 07/29/04


I have almost 200 votive holders that I would be willing to sell for 40 cents a piece if interested. Email me at jennahruska@hotmail.com. I also have glass pillar candle vases that I used for my centerpieces (I have about 35 of those).
Posted by Jenna; updated 07/29/04


Thanks! If anyone else has any input, please let me know! Also, if anyone has used centerpiece stuff, or anything I could use for the reception or wedding (aisle runner), please send description, cost including shipping to 70471.
Posted by Betts; updated 07/29/04


Jenna: I hope you got me email ref your posting. If not, please send me an email @ ecomm@d****nc.com.

Posted by Betts; updated 08/02/04