Be Careful With Your Posts/Replies

I just wanted to give everyone a warning, a heads up if you will. I was suspended from this board over 5x in the last 2 weeks. DO NOT post web addresses on this board, unless you are 100% sure they have paid to advertise on this site. Actually, I never posted the addresses, just named the site or store and I was still kicked off. If they decide your post breaks their rules you will be suspended without notice. When I was suspended, I found out by tring to post a reply to one of my posts and it gives you the screen telling you about the suspension and a generic "maybe" reason as to why, instead of giving you the preview your reply page. Each time after I sent an email to them questioning it, I never received a response, but tried again within a day and was able to post again. With the last one, I demanded a response and reason. I received an unsigned response telling me to forward the offensive post to them to find out why. Without a warning or anything, I had no idea which post or reply they found offensive. Also "they" ASKED me if I had posted advertising or a web address for a non advertiser. They didn`t even know what the offense was. Imagine that.

So just be careful and do the best you can to make website suggestion in a roudabout way or leave your email for replies.
Posted by Excited bride; updated 07/27/04