I was only on one shot of depo-vera for 3 months and I didnt like the side effects, So I told my doctor I dont want to be on it anymore, because im practicing absentice, i`m 19, and wondering how long it will take for my period to return, i got my shot the beginning of april so shouldnt it be worn off by the end of july? Because I was due for my 2nd shot July 1st, but canceled since I havent been sexually active since middle of MAy. Help!!!! Can someone give me an answer of when i wil get it back thanks Holly:)
Posted by Holly; updated 07/27/04
I went off the shot and it took about 2 months to start getting my period again after the time I was due for the shot. Every one is different, but this is my experience
Posted by chrissy; updated 07/28/04
I was on the shot for 5 years and decided now that I am married and planning on having children that I would go off of the shot. The last shot I had was in Jan 04 and I started my cycle (which is now ervery 3 weeks) in late MAy 04. But no sign of getting pregnant soon. They told me it could take up to a year off of the shot for anything to happen!! Best of luck! They can give you hormone replacement to get you back on track! Ask they said they would hrlp me out but, I ended up back where they feel its ok!
Posted by Stefanie; updated 07/30/04
I was on the shot for a little over 7 years and I too decided since I was married I would like to start getting my system on track. I got my last shot in early March and I have yet to have my period. I am getting really worried that there is something wrong. My doctor says there is no reason we should not be able to concieve it just takes time. That dosen`t help!
Posted by Kelly; updated 07/30/04
I know what you mean! lol get this I am having a reception this coming up April 2005 to celebrate with my family because the money was not ther last year! So I wanted to have a baby beofer all of that...well it has not happened but the cycle is there. So Now I have to stop trying and wait until after the celebrating becuase we also are renewing our vows and rather not be pregnant then. So like you I was flustered. I did not have many side effects at firats but, towards the end I noticed some anexity around people and weight gain that was all in my hips? Not waist! Besides that I felt great on the shot and hope after the child I can hold off without it until another child comes along. I was using the shot to also hep out with a blood disorder I have. So my cycle I had in the past was for 20 days a month! I thank god for that shot to help me out!! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!! The more you try to get pregnant the more unlikely you will. Be patient and when you relax and clam down you will be suprised!
Posted by Stefanie; updated 07/30/04
Hi my name is sarah have just had my 1st jab i thought i was pregnant from extra weight gain round the tummy and waiste area.test negative. Do want to have children in 3-4 years once finish study but reading has concerned me. I was told it could take a year to wear off after last jab. Can it make u feel sick and grumpy?
Posted by sarah; updated 01/15/05
Hi do u live in st leonards?
Posted by sarah; updated 01/15/05
I have been on the depo for five and a half years. I got off Depo in July and now its Jan. I don`t use any method of birth control. I think it varies with differnt women. I think the size of your body makes a big difference. Large frame women shots tend to wear off more faster.
Posted by T. Lewis; updated 01/21/06