
We are having an outdoor reception (Sept) and are debating whether to have a marquee. My FH says it`s an unnecessary waste of money, however, I would like to have one as you can never be too sure of the weather. Am I right or wrong???
Posted by M; updated 07/21/04


A marquee? As in a large lighted sign with an announcement on it?
Posted by ?; updated 07/21/04


? - what? A marquee is a large tent used for public events - where are you from???

M - Yes, hire one if you can. It is better to be safe than sorry and it will also give your wedding a better look. Good Luck!
Posted by J; updated 07/22/04


Why does it matter where I am from? Just because I have never planned an outdoor event, I am automatically required to know double definitions? I am from california and we call lighted signs Marquees and tents, well tents. Glad I am not from the same town you are from, Stuffy, Snotty town!!
Posted by ?; updated 07/22/04


LoL ... Dont worry sweetie! Hire the poles with a canvas cover and be safe! :-) you dont want to rained on, and if it does just remember its good luck!
Posted by Lee; updated 07/22/04


?- Don`t feel bad, I thought this this question was about those lighted signs, too. Guess us hicks out here in Colorado don`t know too much `bout this fancy weddin` bizness. :)
Posted by Heidi A.; updated 07/25/04